Categories: General Awareness

Omicron Corona Pandemic

Omicron Corona Pandemic

“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear” Donald Trump, Ex-President of the US repeated it several times and Corona keeps showing up.

The easiest and safest defense mode for the Governments, when a pandemic haunts the masses, is Lock down. Any time once again the Lock down may show up in the name of the evasion of Omicron, the new Corona variant attack. This one is more aggressive, lethal and has tendency of spreading rapidly.

So the pandemic is not only a threat to humanity but also pose great danger to economy of the country leading to poverty, turmoil and unrest.

Omicron variant of Corona

Omicron variant of Corona

Once you got affected, you will loose your sense of taste and smell and a severe fever and high temperature will accompany along with intense headache. You will also suffer acute breathlessness. Extreme tiredness, mild muscle aches, a scratchy throat and dry cough was reported by the patients as observed by a South African Doctor as symptoms of Omicron mutant. This eventually leads to Death

Patient in Hospital

The Technical name for this new Omicron Corona variant is B.1.1.529. Its ability to transform in a large number of mutations is of major concern. A study on Omicron mutations points out that the vaccines most likely will be less effective,

How Corona virus Infects

How Corona virus Infects? It attacks the healthy cells especially in lungs, infects them and make copies of it self. It, then infects the respiratory tract. The inflamed lungs make it difficult to breathe.


Prevention in mass gatherings – properly putting a face mask so the virus intrusion is restricted. Using alcohol based Sanitizers so any unwanted surface touch can be neutralized. Maintaining a distance from other person also helps in ascertaining safety from this contagious disease. The vaccination dose taken gives adequate strength to the body. Even though a vaccinated person might get affected, still the potential to confront the corona virus gets improved.

Diet intake

The essential part in order to fight back would be to strengthen the defense mechanism of the body. Diet intake to boost immunity

Rich Diet Plan

Dry Fruits and Nuts are packed with niacin, riboflavin and vitamin E. Garlic keeps control of blood pressure along with softening of the arteries. Beta carotene rich Potatoes provide Vitamin A skin damage. Immunity-boosting spices like turmeric, cloves, pepper, mustard, cinnamon, coriander, turmeric, and curry leaves help in digestion. chicken, eggs, fish, or seafood, all contain proteins, essential to build and repair body tissues.

Exercise to boost immunity

A routine physical exercise not just keeps the body and muscles flexible but also enhances bodies resistivity capacity. Yoga exercises for immunity building are ; Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Shalabasana (Locust Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Surya Namaskar etc. Relaxation techniques help to relax your body muscles, it also take care of stress related disease.

It is imperative for any one to remain cool and calm. Meditation along with positive affirmations works as antidote in such situation. Any one falling sick nearby has to be attended with proper care and under adequate medical guidance.

Omicron was detected in South Africa and rapidly spread in African region. Despite the travel restrictions and early caution, It, very soon has crossed the borders and showing its presence in Netherlands, Israel, Bangladesh. Germany and Italy, with Belgium and Hong Kong also reported the variant.

Summing up; – Though the symptoms are mild but rapid spreading is a cause of concern. No one is yet sure, how it will behave with a vaccinated subject. The uncertainty on how it will behave if a person already has a disease like diabetes, is there. The positive aspect associated with it is RT/PCR test recognizes the virus. Precaution is the only way out.

Harsha V Singh

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