
“How it is that animals understand things I do not know, but it is certain that they do understand. Perhaps there is a language that is not made of words and everything in the world understands it. Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything and it can always speak, without even making a sound, to another soul.”
 Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess

Communications beyond the matter world – a reality yet to embark on


There is a sharp distinction between broadcast and transmitting message to receive a response either verbal or through physical gestures. This transmission with the response is communication, where both the members of communication share the same platform. This communication makes use of sensory organs to send hearing or make others see the gestures to understand the signal.

Do we have any other form of communication mechanism where the brain uses the energy and vibrations to convey the message? There exists another form of communication, that may not be yet in the scientific realm, yet the message gets conveyed using dreams or a flash of though which has no connection or relation with present thought process hoovering in the mind.


Ever had a dream, with the objects in it being so crystal clear, the perception of reality is mistaken. Consider, for example, a race of 100 meters. The record time a human has taken so far is around 10 seconds. Even 8 or 7 seconds to cross this 100 meter would be considered as a superhuman feet. Yet the light does it in 1/3000000 seconds. No material body is involved as that speed converts the body in Energy.
Something like E=MC2

Life is undiscovered. The materialistic perception is full of limitations. To move at par with this Unknown Universe, the matter should be left behind.

connecting with energy

The brain tied with nerves has electricity conducting potential. Merely relying on its blood flow would let the hidden world of electromagnetic radiations used by the human brain untapped. Overdose of drugs have brought hallucinatory visions on the subject.

Though dreams takes us deeper where one sees the thoughts as pictures while entering in subconscious domain, however, a the flow of current in human brain converting thoughts as a clear picture, is something, which can take things yo next level.

Is there a possibility of communication between brains similar to two cell phones getting in touch to each other. Possibilities are enormous,with so much going on, with the development in Science.

Fear of unknown, or a scary thought that something is not right, or sixth sense, or an intuition, call whatever you may want to, but definitely, some thing which is hidden, yet sending strong signs and that perception cannot be described by words or images. So some above the visible, is trying to appear, give a message.

meditation to connect

Meditation to connect.

Have we reached to a point where we can give a judgement to anything being science or no science. Doesn’t the science accepts possibilities based on observation. Can someday telepathy, or astral projection ideas be implemented as instruments of human development. Could there be a way to do intergalactic travels by leaving the material body behind and using the energy potentials of the brain.

Speed of light.

Imagine, someone, entering in a capsule which gas the capability to transport or teleport the human consciousness to any desired destination, with the speed of light.

May be there are advanced civilizations, who have the access to the worlds which we consider as supernatural, but for them is a way of life, with the knowledge of super conscious realm. We are yet to uncover a lot.

Harsha V Singh

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